Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Aaahhhh Finally

We have all been sick for 2 weeks. I have felt so behind and finally today I'm got up. There is still things to do, but at least I feel better about it.
We got a new rabbit, a french lop and 5 baby turkeys over the weekend. They haven't been much more work after I got them settled. We had to move rabbits around because the new guy,
Buck Wheat, was getting his ears chewed. He's HUGE probably 15 lbs. We have babies due on the 21st too. Hopefully they survive this time.

I also bought new lamb nipples, milk replacer and some field fence for our bummer lambs when they arrive. Our sheep guy breeds his ewes a little later in the year so he doesn't have to contend with bad weather. Anyday now we should be getting a call. I offered to bring them into to my sons pre-school, so the kids can feed them. The teacher was very excited, she said yes before I even got to finish.

I'm about ready to throw all the chicken eggs out to the dogs and just start collecting them daily again. I don't think any of our chickens are going to set. I did see an incubator in the paper for only $40. I will probably buy one next year. I have to decide which silkie rooster to keep. Sad.

Today I finally got the horses to the right pasture, so my husband can shut up. My horse is not happy though. Now, she is the only one for Sunny to pick on. She tried to come back to the barn with me just to get away. I might seperate them, I just don't want Sunny going through the fence. I'll see how miserable Katie gets. Things might settle down.

We had a few days of 60 degree weather too. All 20 roses have been planted. I still need to get a few more. I need to plant onions and asparagus too, but the rain came back today. I'm a fair weather gardener. My lupines that the dogs killed last year are coming back, I'm so excited they are my favorite plant. I wonder what colors they are going to be?